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BCNA Ecosymposium

  • Sustainability, Energy and Environment Community (SEEC), University of Colorado Boulder 4001 Discovery Drive Boulder, CO, 80303 United States (map)

What: We invite all to join Boulder County Nature Association for their 2025 Ecosymposium! This year’s symposium, “Restorative Relationships: Sustainable Responses to Ecological Challenges,” will explore the theme of restoration of land in a time of change.

Our local public lands face a variety of environmental threats, many exacerbated by anthropogenic climate change. While conservation approaches seek to prevent this degradation in the first place, restoration involves attempts to “repair or otherwise enhance the structure and function of an ecosystem that has been impacted by disturbance or environmental change” (Suding, 2011). What have we learned from research and practical projects that respond to environmental threats in a restorative framework? How might such efforts lead to managing public lands in more sustainable ways, and what more do we need to know?  We will feature a variety of approaches to restoration ecology on diverse landscapes, such as re-wetting grasslands, restoring overgrazed agricultural lands, mitigating wildfire risks, and managing invasive plants without herbicides. We will think expansively and consider relationships within the land – among species, and with the soil, air and water – as well as relationships among people and organizations working to restore the land.

  • Details:

    • This symposium is $7 per person and includes coffee and lunch. Register here!

  • When: Saturday, March 15th; 9:00am - 3:00pm.

  • Where: Sustainability, Energy and Environment Community (SEEC), University of Colorado Boulder, 4001 Discovery Drive, Boulder.

March 13

Garden Planning and Design for Produce, Planet and Pollinators

March 15

Save the Monarch Butterfly