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Garden Planning and Design for Produce, Planet and Pollinators

What: Join Growing Gardens for a Garden Planning & Design for Produce, Planet & Pollinators Workshop! This workshop is an opportunity for new and experienced gardeners alike to explore design for their home gardens and landscapes with a focus on planting for pollinators, using home landscapes for food production, water conscious design and climate resilient landscapes. We will cover various design philosophies and techniques, including permaculture, and generate your own landscape design and planting ideas. Very hands-on, workshop-style class to help you generate ideas, plans, and drawings that you can put to use!

  • Details:

    • This workshop is $55 per person. Scholarships of up to 50% off are available for community classes. Register here!

  • When: Thursday, March 13th; 5:30pm - 8:00pm.

  • Where: Growing Gardens, Boulder, CO.

March 13

GATHER Screening at the Boulder Public Library

March 15

BCNA Ecosymposium