Drylands Agroecology Research: Cool Boulder Campaign Tree Planting Event (Public)
What: Join the Cool Boulder network for a day of tree planting at Yellow Barn Farm with Drylands Agroecology Research, a Cool Boulder partner! This event is a wonderful chance to learn more about the work of both Cool Boulder and DAR in a fun, active, outdoor setting.
DAR works at the intersection of restoration and agriculture, designing farm ecosystems that sequester carbon, reverse desertification, and support biodiversity. This spring, DAR is planting 6000 trees and shrubs across 50 dryland acres at one of our partner properties, Yellow Barn Farm! These are a mixture of fruit, forage, and nurse trees that will help rehydrate the landscape, produce valuable forage for livestock, create habitat, and produce abundant food for humans. We are inviting you to join us for a fun, educational, and impactful planting day!
This is a public event open to anyone. Click here to RSVP!
Feel free to reach out to Amy Scanes-Wolfe with any questions (amy@dar.eco/303-824-5235).
What to Expect:
We'll start with a little orientation to the farm systems and planting tutorial. Then we will break into smaller planting teams of 10-15 lead by a DAR team member. Our first session will be from 9am-12pm, followed by a picnic lunch, and a second planting session from 1pm-4pm. If you have to leave early, no problem, but please try and arrive by 9am for the planting tutorial. Planting will involve raking away the mulch, digging holes with a sharp shooter, planting a variety of bare root trees and shrubs (1-2' tall), and replacing the mulch.
DAR recommends bringing the following:
Appropriate layers for the weather (this will be entirely outdoors)
Closed toed shoes
Gardening gloves
Sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, or whatever other sun protection you need
A picnic lunch, water bottle, and any snacks you may need
When: Saturday, April 15th; 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Where: Yellow Barn Farm; 9417 North Foothills Highway, Boulder, CO, 80302