What: This resource fair is for neighbors and businesses in the Gunbarrel community to connect with each other, learn about, and take action on nature-based climate solutions in your neighborhood!
Learn from experts, including 2nd graders, about how nature is a climate solution with topics like:
How to care for your plants and trees
Improving the health of your soil
How to support pollinators
This event is co-sponsored by Classrooms for Climate Action, Play Boulder, Cool Boulder, Eco-Cycle, and Heatherwood Elementary 2nd graders.
Why: Heat data has shown that the Gunbarrel neighborhood is quite hot in the afternoons. We are targeting our outreach and education to these neighbors and businesses to provide resources on soil health, tree planting care and maintenance, and pollinators.
With any questions, please email J at jwarren@classroomsforclimateaction.org. This event is free and does not require registration.
When: Thursday, May 1st, 2025; 4:30pm-6:30pm.
Where: Heatherwood Elementary School, Gunbarrel Boulder, CO.