What: How is gardening a tool for social and political change? What does it mean to say "gardening is for everyone" in this time and place? What can you do right where you are to make the world a better place?
Many of you may be familiar with this month's webinar guest, Jennifer Jewell, co-host of the NPR syndicated podcast Cultivating Place: Conversations on Natural History and the Human Impulse to Garden, and author of several books, including What We Sow, and The Earth In Her Hands, and Under Western Skies, Visionary Gardens from the Rockies to the Pacific Coast.
PPAN is bringing Jennifer back to her home state of Colorado (virtually) for this free webinar, to give everyone a chance to talk with her about the possibilities inherent in the intersection between places, environments, cultures, individuals, and the gardens that bring them together beautifully – for the better of all the lives on this generous planet.
Don't miss this opportunity to hear her short talk with plenty of opportunity to ask questions, as well.
This webinar is free and open to the public. This event is free, but registration is required in order to receive the zoom information. Registration link: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/cjfcfvn/lp/96a0382c-c5de-466c-ba83-57b78924b040
When: Wednesday, April 16th; 12pm-1pm.
Where: Virtual; Zoom.