What: Join the Colorado Agrivoltaic Learning Center and Slow Food, Boulder for an inspiring morning at Jack's Solar Garden where you can learn about tangible action you can take to support Boulder County's local food system, local and state policy initiatives, and the renewable energy transition. Come and meet the local farms and producers that are Boulder County's food system, and learn how to get involved with these organizations through volunteer days, purchasing CSA shares or supporting local farm stands, and more! Speak to local and state policy advocates and learn about how to support these initiatives as Boulder County and Colorado residents. Understand how technology can support a thriving local food system, from mushrooms to vertical farming to agrivoltaics. Go on a tour of Jack's Solar Garden and learn about all of the wonderful work being done on this small farm in Longmont, and hear about ways you can implement energy efficiencies in your own home.
Tickets are $5. Register here.
A coffee cart will be available with coffee, chai and iced tea for purchase.
When: Saturday, July 27, 2024; 9am-1pm.
Where: Jack’s Solar Garden; 8102 N. 95th St. Longmont, CO 80504.