350 Colorado Webinar: Water and Fire Resilience on Agricultural Lands with Beavers (and Beaver Mimicry)
What: Join Nichole Fox from 'Give A Dam' (Durango, CO) in an educational presentation on how beavers, nature's engineers, recharge water tables, create fire resilience, filter pollutants from water, and provide essential habitat...and how to integrate them into a farm/ranch setting. Jackie Corday, water lawyer, and Natural Resource Consultant will cover water policy issues related to beavers and beaver mimicry (LTPBR) and share ideas on how to choose project locations and types for restoring water.
This event is organized by 350.org Colorado (see 350 Colorado's events here).
Nichole Fox, Give A Dam Executive Director, a non-profit dedicated to growing future water leaders through education and hands-on water restoration with beavers and beaver mimicry.
Jackie Corday is a land and water conservation lawyer who has done a comprehensive review of the rapidly growing published and unpublished research and case studies on the effects of restoring incised and degraded headwater streams in Western States via beaver-related restoration approaches, with a particular focus on Colorado.
When: Thursday, February 23rd; 6:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. (Mountain Time)
Where: Virtual webinar, no registration required - click here to access the Zoom link for the event.